Darke County Jr. Fair Poultry Exhibitors:
We are excited for the 2024 Darke County Junior Fair Poultry Show! As you prepare to exhibit junior fair poultry at the Darke County Fair, the Jr Fair Poultry Committee wanted to take this opportunity to remind you of some important poultry project details. Please obtain a Fair Book and be familiar with the rules for the Junior and Open Poultry shows. To help our Poultry Fair run smoothly we ask that if you signed up to exhibit poultry at the fair, and do not plan to bring any poultry to the fair, please contact Dena Wuebker at 937-423-2369, Cindy Mayo at 937-417-2296, Amy Addis at 937-216-2107 or Tyler Greer at 937-467-3489. If you do not contact us, we will be looking for you on Thursday night after the mandatory meeting.